"with grace in your hearts to the Lord."

Monday, March 17, 2008

Ava Joy!

To all the many folks who check my blog regularly for updates, I apologize for the my blogging slouthfulness. Life is crazy busy, you know! Well...we are proud to announce that we are having a baby girl...Ava Joy. We have had 2 sonograms, one at 19 weeks and the other at 24 weeks. The first sonagram showed a baby girl weighing in at 11 oz. Because she was laying on her tummy, we were unable to see all the heart valves, so they scheduled us for another sonogram. The second one five weeks later revealed that Ava is healthy and growing quickly. She weighed in at 1 pound, 10 oz! Almost a full pound of weight gain in 5 weeks! She is in the 47th percentile for weight and the doctor said she will most-likely be about 7 pounds at birth...just right.

We did have a scare this weekend. We were in a pretty bad car accident driving to Fairhope in the Wallace Tunnel. We hit a truck who had hit another car in front of him. The air bags didn't go off and nobody was hurt. However, I didn't feel Ava moving much after that. We called our mid-wife and she said to make sure she moves within the next hour. Ava decided to take a long nap during that hour, but finally I felt her move after about 45 minutes. It was pretty scary there for a while. We had our first parent stress. I went to the doctor and they monitored Ava's heartrate for about 20 minutes, and all was healthy and clear. Her heartrate was normal and she was moving all about. We are very thankful to the Lord that He protected us during the accident.

I'm entering my last trimester of pregnancy...so far so good. I'm definitely getting bigger and I can't imagine how Ava is going to gain 5 more pounds and still have room! I'm only 5 feet, you know! I'm hoping the last 3 months of school will go by smoothly and quickly with no complications. We are just getting busy getting this nursery ready for our little baby girl, Ava Joy.

The first picture is me at 22 weeks. The second is me at 25 weeks. The last is of the proud, hansome daddy at our favorite place, Fairhope.

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