"with grace in your hearts to the Lord."

Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Amazing World Wide Web!

Well...We are now officially almost up-to-date technologically...we now have a digital camera...and we have...finally...the World Wide Web (aka the Internet) in our home now! I know we are a bit behind the times. I can see Shawn and I being one of those older couples that is totally illiterate to the new technology of the day...we will say, "Oh, those...we never use those, we just like the old way of doing it." Oh well.

Well...now that we have the Internet at home, I can more often update this beautiful new blog. We will have some important updates to make since we are now expecting a baby in our family around June 21. We found out we were expecting in September and told everyone immediatly. We are super excited and we find out the gender of the baby at the end of January. I can't wait to start decorating the nursery and buying cute clothes and such.
Even cooler news is that Julie, my college roommate just told us that she is expecting also. She is only 6 weeks behind me and is due at the end of July. We are going to be the "pioneers of parenting" among our college friends...braving the uncharted lands of having and raising babies...woe!

1 comment:

Julie and Philip said...

Welcome back to the world of blogging, mama! Keep us updated! Can't wait to know whether you are having pink or blue!