"with grace in your hearts to the Lord."

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

New Job Title..."Mommy"

Well...the last day of school was Friday. I can no longer carry the job title of "teacher" but from now on...or for the next few years, I'll be known as "mommy." The end of school was bitter-sweet. I was very happy to not have to wake up at 5:00 anymore or to rally 145 students' attention all the time, but I will miss the interaction with most of the students. I really enjoyed chatting and getting to know the students. Most of them are really, really sweet. I thought I was going to cry at graduation, but I didn't. I cried when two of my junior girls came to say good-bye to me the last day of school.

The last day of my senior marine biology class

Only 4 more weeks left...the slow countdown has begun. I'm sure I'll be quite busy in the nesting mode. I have my maternity bag all packed, and I'll be ready to go whenever Ava is ready to come. Shawn and I both are super excited, but almost in disbelief. We were both thinking this week..."We are going to have a baby in our house within 4 weeks! Crazy!"

Top: The cute cake Bethany made for me and Julie's surprise baby shower.
Bottom: Me and Ellen at Fairhope fountain (36 weeks)

Sunday, May 11, 2008

6 Weeks Left!!

6 Weeks Left!!! (Me at 34 weeks)

It's hard to believe that we will get to meet our baby girl in only 6 weeks or less! This pregnancy has gone by really, really fast. It has been pretty easy, so far. We are getting the nursery all fixed up and ready for Ava's homecoming. Shawn and I both have definitely been nesting this last trimester. Every spare moment at home is spent working on some type of project.

We took our natural childbirth class in April to get better informed about the whole labor and delivery thing. I am still determined to do it all naturally...not because I'm tough, but because I know that I'll pass out if I have to get an IV or a big shot. Yucky!

Only 2 more weeks left of school, then I can get off my swollen feet and prop them up while reading baby care books. It's going to be a great time before, as one of my friends called it, "hell week." Surely it can't be that crazy bringing home a baby...=)

Here are some pics of the last 6 weeks or so. I have really "blossomed" as the ladies at work keep telling me. =) Is that what they call it?
Me at 28 weeks