"with grace in your hearts to the Lord."

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

We're Blogging Too!

Hello all you bloggers out there! Let me introduce myself to all of you who don't know...I'm Elizabeth (Liz) Kennedy and my husband is Shawn Kennedy. We are new to the blogging relm, but I'm excited about keeping in touch with all our friends and family who are scattered about all over the country and maybe meeting some new fellow bloggers.

I will tell you a little about Shawn and me. We both were raised in LA aka Lower Alabama and have lived here in Mobile our entire lives. By the Lord's providence, we met at Grace Bible Church in 1995 and started dating in 1999. We were MFEO, as they say, and we married in June 2004. We have one cat named "Ethel" and one dog named "Lucy." Shawn works at a computer software company called CPSI and I am a biology teacher at Cottage Hill Christian Academy. I love to run and completed my first marathon last year. Shawn is a muscician...he leads worship at our church and plays several types of guitar.

The Lord has blessed us with the purchase of a new home in Chickasaw, Alabama. It is a historic home built in 1919. We are in the process of fixing it up and making it our home.

The Lord saved us both at a young age and He has been graciously leading us as we follow and abide in Him. We are excited about whatever He may have planned for us in the future as we surrender to Him.


Lindsey said...

Hey yall! Very cool that yall have a blog going now. Will you post on it often? Hope I'll get to see everyone this summer if work schedule allows! Take care.

E&J said...

Yes, I like the blog too. Keep us informed. It's like reading celeb magazines....we get to keep up with everyone's life!! So cool. Hope to see you this summer.

Julie and Philip said...

Welcome to the blogging world, Liz! Don't be one of those nerds that starts a blog and doesn't ever update. We need to know what is going on with you two! Keep us in the loop! :)

Ellen said...

I am loving this blog! So much fun! OH YEAH! I have the coolest family in the whole world... its a pleasure to be associated with this family. We are pretty much all rockstars.

I think you guys are going to rock the world of blogging and become super famous through your writings. You guys will get paid just for being. On the side you will be trampoline testers. Shawn will test the safety and Liz will test the bounciness of the trampolines. Doesn't that sound like a fun job!?!

I love you guys! Thanks for letting me be here.

AnastasiaMartin said...

Hey! I have a blogspot too for my summer class. My address is http://amartinEDM310summer07.blogspot.com

Goto go class is starting!!!